Group Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)   


AIMS offers a variety of group-based ketamine and integration experiences. Some are exclusively for patients of ours who have completed at least one individual KAP session, and others are open to both existing/KAP-experienced patients, and to patients who are new to AIMS or new to the therapeutic use of ketamine. While the group environment is not the most common format for KAP, it does offer several unique opportunities: 

  1. Bearing witness to, and learning from, the shared experiences of preparation, the journey/s,and integration as a small cohort often amplifies individual benefits 
  2. Being heard and seen in your process: sharing elements of your own KAP journey with others and being witnessed in your growth and change is deeply powerful
  3. Doing group KAP allows for a lower per session cost than with 1:1 work and may support or allow for more ongoing or maintenance work as desired or needed.


*Note: not all patients may be eligible for participation in group work




MONTHLY DROP-IN on Fridays with Group Integration the following Monday:

Established KAP patients must be referred by their KAP provider for these in-person, experiential sessions, and may opt to use either ketamine troches or IM ketamine. These group sessions are typically scheduled the first Friday of the month, though are occasionally shifted to the second Friday when holidays or staffing require such. Group integration sessions are held virtually the following Monday. Patients who are interested should ask their provider for a referral and may call to inquire and reserve a spot up to 3 months in advance.


NEW: CLOSED GROUP, THEMED, MULTI-WEEK PROGRAMS* on 7 consecutive Thursdays: 

These will be filled on a rolling basis based on reaching a critical mass for a specific theme (see intake/request form here and embedded below). They will be scheduled Thursday afternoons 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm for 7 consecutive weeks, per the schedule below:

(Telemed visits are billable to insurance)

Week 1: Group Prep and Introduction (1 hour telemed)

Week 2: Ketamine Troches: psycholytic dose (3 hours in office)

Week 3: Group Integration (1 hour telemed)

Week 4: Intramuscular ketamine: psychedelic dose (3 hours in office)

Week 5:  Group integration (1 hour telemed)

Week 6: Ketamine Troches: psycholytic dose (3 hours in office)

Week 7: Group Integration and Closing (1 hour telemed)

*In addition to the standard benefits of group KAP, these themed groups offer the additional advantage of potentially creating lasting relationships/community with others who may share similar experiences and struggles.  Through such connections, patients frequently find ongoing therapeutic support.



These are groups for those familiar with a therapeutic use of intramuscular (IM), intravenous (IV), or sublingual (SL) ketamine in an in-office format (though not necessarily through AIMS) seeking to transition to a home-based KAP program.

These will also be filled on a rolling basis based on reaching a critical mass and will be scheduled monthly, with the experiential session typically on the third Friday of the month unless holidays or staffing require otherwise.

Week 1: Group prep and Introduction (1 hour telemed)

Week 2: Exploring Ketamine Troches: stepwise approach (psycholytic to psychedelic dosing)

Week 3: Group Integration (1 hour telemed)



Group Session $525 / Late Cancellation Fee (within 48 hrs of visit) $150

[Individual Session $725 / Late Cancellation Fee (within 48 hrs of visit) $250]



If you are interested in group KAP or have been referred to our group KAP program by your provider, please fill out and submit the following form here (and embedded below).

  • Our scheduling team will reach out to you to discuss scheduling, answer your questions, and confirm the upcoming dates allotted for your group
  • You will need to attend the group prep, experiential, and integration for your cohort. 
  • Similar to one:one KAP experience, payment is due at the time of service, we ask you to bring your Mindfold to the session, and you will need a ride home after the session. 
  • Your 1:1 KAP provider will communicate with the group provider regarding any medication changes, pre-medication or special instructions for you.