Family Constellation TherapyDr. Alison Kerns

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of destructive family patterns? Do you find yourself struggling with emotional, mental, or physical issues that you can’t explain? Family constellation therapy may be the powerful tool you need to break free. This group therapy process helps you gain insight into your family system and relationship dynamics, unravel ancestral trauma, and heal destructive patterns.

During family constellation therapy, you’ll join a group of individuals to explore your family dynamics and work through issues such as illness, addiction, abuse, and mental or emotional problems. Family constellation therapy was developed by Bert Hellinger, a German psychologist who merged traditional Zulu ways with his expertise in group dynamics, psychoanalysis, bodywork, and Gestalt therapy.

By participating in a “resonant field,” you’ll uncover hidden patterns and dynamics within your family system that may be impacting your well-being. This therapy has helped countless individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their families.

Instructions for accessing therapy:

If you’re interested in trying family constellation therapy, we invite you to contact our front desk to be placed on the waiting list. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and once the group is complete, we’ll confirm the upcoming dates for your group. Each group consists of at least five people and meets for two consecutive Mondays from 11-2 at AIMS Institute. You’ll have the opportunity to have one family constellation session (about 1-1.5 hours) and participate in the constellations of other group members.

This therapy is billed as medical + group therapy visits through your insurance. We will verify your insurance prior to the group’s initial meeting. Please verify your insurance covers group therapy before the first group meeting. If it does not, you will be responsible for it.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns about confidentiality or participation levels.